Air Filter FF

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washable metal filters are capable of filtering units dust suspended in the air, and the materials they are built provide high stiffness and excellent durability because you can just wash * to be re-used up to a period of 6 months (depending conditions of use) before needing to be replaced.

Washable metal filters are made of galvanized sheet frame, fabric aluminum lath external supports galvanized on both sides and an average resistant filtration polyester fiber-based.

They are manufactured in sizes from 12 x 12 to 36 x 24 inches and in thicknesses of:

Actual dimension measurement unit nominal

½ inch 1/2 Real

1 inch 3/4 Real

1 ¾ inch 1 ½ Real

2 inch 1 3/4 Real

* The real measure of washable metal filters is less than ¼ of the nominal size in both width and an inch high.

Washable metal filters are designed for residential, commercial and industrial use.

Washing the filter is required to apply warm water to medium pressure backflow (reverse airflow direction) is neither necessary nor advisable to use chemicals such as cleaners or degreasers, if anything can be used only soap (detergent common).